
    of Ruins 



CURATED BY:Sofia Baldi Pighi
AvantGarden Gallery

DATES:October 28th - December 19th 2020



PSICO.LOBO in collaboration with Alexandre Bavard


Leonardo Bianchi
Giovanni Bladino
Stefano Melissa
Sara Paqu
Sara Petretto
Giulia Lea Pieri
Giulia Longoni
Caterina Pucci
Virginia Roghi
Giorgia Zucconù 


People of Ruins explores the dark times of our society through a dystopian scenario made of rubble and waste. A new anarchist tribe emerges from the ruins of the metropolitan subculture, overcomes the normalisation of the rule, and abandons the dichotomous division into closed categories (whether physical or psychological). Who lives inside these desolate lands? Who can survive in this unfortunate future?
People of Ruins is an anarchist tribe that does not recognize the identification of a binary gender system. The tribe of the performance finds its primordial strength in the industrial sounds of techno, conceived ad hoc for the show and played live by the producer Mace.

People of Ruins are the illegitimate children of industry, they are native citizens who investigate underground culture and the possibility of expressing an opinion that is divergent from the dominant system. 
They remind us of the ancient awareness that power resides in the collective. In dark times culture guarantees space for thought. Therefore, let us continue through exhibitions to generate occasions of encounters between human beings. If the hypercapitalism of urgency wants to transform us into machines of production, what quality of life is reserved for an existence without mental distractions, isolated and dedicated only to work? Isn’t existence a matter of mere survival?