• 2019 - 2020 / In Fila Per Tre

  • 2017 / A me gli Occhi  

  • 2016 / Cosa Vuoi Fare Di Grande

Who says the office always has to be grey and sterile? What if there were new ways to interact with the workplace?

SPACES is an international company that transforms entire buildings into flexible coworking spaces. Those who work in these coworking spaces—environments defined by their openness and lack of boundaries—are typically open-minded and eager for new connections. Based on this understanding, SPACES commissions a curator to develop cultural activities for its community.

In Fila Per Tre is a series of artist-led workshops, aligned with exhibitions, intended to foster encounters with art in everyday settings beyond traditional institutions. During these workshops, children from the SPACES community walk hand in hand with artists, gaining an understanding of their artworks. The workshops incorporate alternative methods of engagement (emphasising touch or smell), inspired by the games and techniques of educator Bruno Munari.

ARTISTS: Stefano Ferrari / Davide K. Allodi / Edrev Cordero di Montezemolo / Federico de Lorentis / Mauro Cicerchia / Francesca Rossi  

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