• 2019 / Take a Seat

    • 2019 / Per Filo e Per Segno

    • 2019 / Mano Per Mano

    • 2018 / Carne Torna Carne

    • 2018 / Controcanto

    • 2017 / In Principio era Domani

    • 2017 / Pluriverso

    • 2016 / Figli Sbagliati per i Prossimi Giusti

    • 2016 / Apnea

    This section gathers a series of curatorial projects developed between 2016 and 2019, a key period during my academic training. Many of these projects were realized while I was still a student, during my BA and MA studies, representing the first explorations of my interdisciplinary approach. Some experiments took shape within lesser-known cultural sites in the city, such as an unused Renaissance library or the Magnolia Courtyard at Brera. In other cases, they involved nighttime exhibitions, like the one at Plastic in Milan. These works reflect a desire to experiment and a constant dialogue between contemporary art, unconventional spaces, and pedagogy.

    ARTISTS:  Edrev / Ciro Casale / May Castelnuovo / Mauro Cicerchia / Rachele Cicerchia / Carolina Corno / Federico de Lorentis / Stefano Ferrari / Carla Gina Rubeo / Davide K. Allodi / Soyeon Lee / Carla Nigro / Andres Paraga / Andrea Pasquali / Virginia Roghi / Maryam Roshanaei / Francesca Rossi / Melanie Ruiz Jannaut / Marta Sollima / Norberto Spina / Luca Venturelli / Valentina Viviani / Ran Tang / Qi Wei

    About       Statement       Projects       Malta Biennale