Sano Come 
    un Pesce 



CURATED BY:Sofia Baldi Pighi
Cascinet Agrohub



Virginia Roghi
Serena Monaco
Greta Capelli
Sara Petretto
Camilla Mazzocato
Chiara Airoldi
Maria Lucia Bianchi


In collaboration with Cascinet Agro Hub and Lepark Coworking, PSICO.LOBO organized an online art therapy for “Milano Digital Week 2021” entitled Sano Come Un Pesce. The workshop is curated by Sofia Baldi and conducted by psychologists Virginia Roghi, Serena Monaco, Greta Capelli. 

Sano Come Un Pesce focused on sharing the clinical scribble as a therapeutic tool and conceiving the digital as an inclusive, cultural, and therapeutic tool. The scribble proved to be an ingenious expedient to interpellate and share the emotional experiences of the participating group, especially now considering the depersonalizing tendency of the city and the absence of sociality caused by the pandemic of COVID-19.

The workshop was preceded by a virtual dialogue with the collective’s Instagram audience through the “What you prefer?” format. From the virtual survey, it has been clear the necessity and the desire to invest collectively in order to have more sustainable, ecological, and consequently habitable cities.