


Berceto is a village in northern Italy, in the province of Parma. It has thirteen hamlets, and to date it has 1,967 inhabitants (ISTAT, 2022), with an area of 131 km2. The geographical position of the “mountain village closest to the sea” makes it an important centre of spiritual and trading contacts, and still today the village maintains the symbiotic relationship that it has with two ancient ways: Via Francigena (St. Francis’ Way), the pilgrim route that from the 6th century joined Canterbury to Rome, and the Cisa, a strategic pass that, as early as the Byzantine age, linked the Parma Apennines to the coasts of Tuscany and Liguria.

On occasion of Una Boccata d’Arte, the artist explores the road symbolic potential in a small frontier village. When passing through – whether the travellers be pilgrims, traders, or, today, in very fast cars – it is fundamental to retain your sense of direction. The road signs represent a universal iconographical code providing information on directions, obligatory routes and possible dangers during the journey.
With the work Sign of Care, Ragnarsdóttir deconstructs the imaginary anthropocentric imagery of classical signage, and, by means of a change in levels, shifts attention to the other species that, together with human beings, live and travel along these ancient roads.
By means of an interdisciplinary approach, midway between contemporary art and science, the artist focuses on the signage of floral species of rare beauty, the animals typical of the area, and rocks that contribute to the landscape wonders of Berceto and its surroundings. The work operates on a collective plane that embraces the landscape and the non-human communities that live hereabouts. The artist’s fourteen road signs correspond to Berceto and its thirteen hamlets, with one sign placed in each location. Sign of Care marks an alternative route, a physical and emotive mapping that reconnects these small villages and subverts local solitude with a work of art stretching across 131 km2 of land.

ARTIST: Sóley Ragnarsdóttir

OPENING: Link Video

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