Cultural institutions are highly effective mechanisms for sharing perspectives and raising awareness about the environmental crisis, one of the pressing urgencies of our time. "Museum Beyond Its Walls" is based on reinterpreting the role of cultural institutions in society, thinking museum spaces, and their boundaries. By extending beyond physical walls to engage with urban contexts, museums can reach new and diverse audiences who previously showed little interest in culture. 
This decentralisation of cultural activities enables institutions to play an active and dynamic role in the contexts and communities where they are located.

This approach is always accompanied by collaborative and inclusive public practices, utilising participatory mechanisms that not only enhance the experience of the work but also build a sense of community. !e project focuses on contemporary artists who create participatory actions in public spaces, aiming to influence perceptions of themselves and their reality by activating the public in the realisation of the artwork. This acommunity-based project encourages people to form new groups and share their skills in creating collective urban actions.

"Museum Beyond Its Walls" aims to ensure the continued effectiveness of cultural institutions in raising awareness by formulating a plan B for sustained engagement should emergencies and crises become a constant part of our lives.

  • TEXTS: Sofia Baldi Pighi

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